Tutorial � Allais, history IV � Hume, induction

Greg Detre



Skyrms � very useful, very clear

intersting � New Riddle of Induction


put aside causation in discussing induction - we�re mostly worried about regularity

if you have faith in reason, you must have faith in regularity

you�ve already rejected the Evil Demon

what�s involved in faith in reason?

2+2=4undoubtedly self-evident

yet the Evil Demon could be deceiving me with the subjective certainty

but we can't maintain this doubt, because we believe in reason


analytic � true in virtue of the meaning of the terms used (e.g. 2+2=4)

vs synthetic � there are 2 chairs in this room

assumed that a priori/posteriori and analytic/synthetic correspond

but Kant overturned this idea with the �synthetic a priori� (which allows new knowledge through reason)

if there are synthetic a priori truths, it poses a big problem for Hume


what reason do we have for believing that the world would be regular?


can't justify induction deductively

nor with induction (that would be circular)


coherentist about knowledge + truth


is Strawson�s 2nd analytic proposition analytic??? a priori???

not just any variety of circumstances

synthetic a priori � substantive knowledge about the world from reason

is this synthetic???

analytic but applicable to the world


the truth of an inductive argument probable according to the truth of the premises � Allais


simplest hypothesis is likely to be true � synthetic or analytic = non-rational, proverb


Strawson � induction is fine in a chaotic universe, but that we cannot make any inductions(???)


analytic = acquiring certain knowledge about the world???


sanguine atheist + theist = intellectual dishonesty


Kant � rational to believe in God + free will

even though you can't have konwledge

because there isn't only deductive reason�

evidentto us that there are reasons for acting that we are moral



is a faith in reason necessarily a faith in regularity???

can't reject the Evil Demon on the basis of reason???

why � because it�s so reliable!???

because of the nature of the concepts involved

belief in reason = synthetic a priori???

does that help �/span> uniformity of nature???

imposssible entirely red + green (opp colours) � analytic???